2020 Talks: Dixon_Procedural Geometry with Open Shading Language on Pixar’s Onward and Soul

“Procedural Geometry with Open Shading Language on Pixar’s Onward and Soul” by Dixon, Johnson, Whittock, Roe, Hecker, et al. …

2020 Talks: Stringer_Rotomation: AI Powered Rotoscoping at LAIKA

“Rotomation: AI Powered Rotoscoping at LAIKA” by Stringer, Sundararajan, Pina, Kar, Dabby, et al. …

2020 Talks: Ishii_Confidence-aware Practical Anime-style Colorization

“Confidence-aware Practical Anime-style Colorization” by Ishii, Kubo, Shinagawa, Maejima, Funatomi, et al. …

2020 Talks: Vavilala_Deep Learned Super Resolution for Feature Film Production

“Deep Learned Super Resolution for Feature Film Production” by Vavilala and Meyer

2020 Talks: Johnson_Image Ranking with Density Trees for Google Maps

“Image Ranking with Density Trees for Google Maps” by Johnson and Berkiten

2020 Talks: Brussee_That’s a wrap: Manifold Garden rendering retrospective

“That’s a wrap: Manifold Garden rendering retrospective” by Brussee, Saraev and Chyr

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Using Mesh Shaders for Continuous Level-of-Detail Terrain Rendering” by Englert

2020 Talks: Goodhue_Velocity-based compression of 3D rotation, translation, and scale animations for AAA video games

“Velocity-based compression of 3D rotation, translation, and scale animations for AAA video games” by Goodhue

2020 Talks: Gipson_The Collaboration Between Art and Technology: Making Disney Animation’s "Myth: A Frozen Tale"

“The Collaboration Between Art and Technology: Making Disney Animation’s “Myth: A Frozen Tale”” by Gipson, Diaz, Anderson, Robbins and Russell

2020 Talks: Coony_“Myth: A Frozen Tale” - Stylized Effects for Real-Time VR

““Myth: A Frozen Tale” – Stylized Effects for Real-Time VR” by Coony, Anderson and Lund

2020 Talks: Answer_Character Rendering for VR in "Blood & Truth"

“Character Rendering for VR in “Blood & Truth”” by Answer

2020 Talks: Fekri_Creating the Looking Glass Mask on HBO’s Watchmen

“Creating the Looking Glass Mask on HBO’s Watchmen” by Fekri and Larouche

2020 Talks: Leclaire_It’s Raining Squids!

“It’s Raining Squids!” by Leclaire, Levesque, Clement-Tam and Delamare

2020 Talks: Lord_Case study on using a parallel pipeline and USD to build creatures

“Case study on using a parallel pipeline and USD to build creatures” by Lord

2020 Talks: Diego_The Animation of Togo: Achieving hyper realism for 11 CG dogs

“The Animation of Togo: Achieving hyper realism for 11 CG dogs” by Diego and Bonisolli

2020 Talks: Kaviratna_Testing Self Driving Cars with Game Development Tools

“Testing Self Driving Cars with Game Development Tools” by Kaviratna

2020 Talks: Cutler_Authoring Interactive VR Narratives on Baba Yaga and Bonfire

“Integrated Simulation and Visualization for Flood Management” by Cornel, Buttinger-Kreuzhuber and Waser

2019 Talks: Miller_Childish Gambino’s Pharos

“Childish Gambino’s Pharos: real-time dome projection for live concert” by Miller

2020 Talks: Hinz_Spies in Disguise: Creating a Gooey Kimura

“Augmented and Virtual Reality Application Design for Immersive Learning Research Using Virtual Nature” by Harrington

2020 Talks: Weser_Invite Only VR: A Vaping Prevention Game

“Invite Only VR: A Vaping Prevention Game” by Weser and Hieftje

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