2004 Poster: Ben-Artzi_Efficient Complex Shadows from Environment Maps

“Efficient Complex Shadows from Environment Maps” by Ben-Artzi, Ramamoorthi and Agrawala

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Volume Rendering on one RLE compressed data set by a new combination of Ray-Casting and Shear-Warp” by Schlosser, Hesser and Männer

2004 Poster: Bromberg-Martin_Hybrid Billboard Clouds for Model Simplification

“Hybrid Billboard Clouds for Model Simplification” by Bromberg-Martin, Jónsson, Marai and McGuire

2004 Poster: Royan_Improved Geo-Visualization Methods

“Improved Geo-Visualization Methods” by Royan, Aubault, Bouville and Gioia

2004 Poster 028 Ono_Animating Hand-drawn Sketches 02

“Animating Hand-drawn Sketches” by Ono, Chen and Nishita

2004 Poster: Sugisaki_Cartoon Hair Animation Based on Physical Simulation

“Cartoon Hair Animation Based on Physical Simulation” by Sugisaki, Yu, Anjyo and Morishima

“Real-Time Cartoon Rendering of Smoke” by McGuire, Fein and Hartnett

2004 Poster: Yuki_Cloth on Stain Dye of Modeling Cellular

“Cellular Modeling of Dye Stain on Cloth” by Morimoto and Tsuruno

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Fluid Simulation as a Tool for Painterly Rendering” by Olsen and Maxwell

2004 Poster: Girshick_Kasao_Algorithmic Painter: a NPR method to generate various styles of painting

“Algorithmic Painter: a NPR method to generate various styles of painting” by Kasao and Miyata

2004 Poster: Girshick_Simulating Chinese Brush Painting: The Parametric Hairy Brush

“Simulating Chinese Brush Painting: The Parametric Hairy Brush” by Girshick

2004 Poster: Yonezawa_SilF: A Sketching Tool for Cartoon-Like Pseudo-3D Illustrations Based on 3D Outlines

“SilF: A Sketching Tool for Cartoon-Like Pseudo-3D Illustrations Based on 3D Outlines” by Yonezawa, Takahashi and Shibayama

2004 Poster: Sibley_Wang Cubes for Video Synthesis and Geometry Placement

“Wang Cubes for Video Synthesis and Geometry Placement” by Sibley, Montgomery and Marai

2004 Poster: Zumpella_Texture Synthesis Using Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Genetic Evolution

“Texture Synthesis Using Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Genetic Evolution” by Zumpella and Thall

2004 Poster: Chan_Worley Cellular Textures in Sh

“Worley Cellular Textures in Sh” by Chan and McCool

2004 Poster: Iwasawa_Rendering Methods for Models with Complicated Micro Structures

“Rendering Methods for Models with Complicated Micro Structures” by Iwasawa, Shichijo and Kawaguchi

2004 Poster: Lin_A Comparison Study of Four Texture Synthesis Algorithms on Near-regular Textures

“A Comparison Study of Four Texture Synthesis Algorithms on Near-regular Textures” by Lin, Hays, Wu, Kwatra and Liu

2004 Poster: Minomo_Movie-in-Shadow: Your Shadow is a Display

“Movie-in-Shadow: Your Shadow is a Display” by Minomo, Kakehi, Iida and Naemura

2004 Poster: Lydon_Internet2 Virtual Performance Module

“Internet2 Virtual Performance Module” by Lydon and Orr

2004 Poster: Sumich_Embodied Time (-) Changing Our Mind

“Embodied Time (-) Changing Our Mind” by Sumich, MacDonald, Novins, Chui and Chiang

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