2023 Poster: Hagura_A Proposal of Acquiring and Analyzing Method for Distributed Litter on the Street using Smartphone Users as Passive Mobility Sensors

“A Proposal of Acquiring and Analyzing Method for Distributed Litter on the Street using Smartphone Users as Passive Mobility Sensors” by Hagura, Yamaguchi, Yoshihisa, Shimojo and Kawai

2023 Poster: Otake_Updating Human Pose Estimation using Event-based Camera to Improve Its Accuracy

“Updating Human Pose Estimation using Event-based Camera to Improve Its Accuracy” by Otake, Kitano, Kushida, Kubo, Maejima, et al. …

2023 Poster: Goto_Utilizing LiDAR Data for 3D Sound Source Localization

“Utilizing LiDAR Data for 3D Sound Source Localization” by Goto, Oikawa, Inoue, Teraoka, Sato, et al. …

2023 Poster: Dhillon_Robust Color Correction for Preserving Spatial Variations Within Photographs

“Robust Color Correction for Preserving Spatial Variations Within Photographs” by Dhillon, Joshi, Baron and Patterson

2023 Poster: Matsushita_Towards Realistic Virtual Try-on for E-commerce by Sewing Pattern Estimation

“Towards Realistic Virtual Try-on for E-commerce by Sewing Pattern Estimation” by Matsushita, Sugiura and Arai

2023 Poster: Liao_Content-Preserving Motion Stylization using Variational Autoencoder

“Content-Preserving Motion Stylization using Variational Autoencoder” by Liao, Kim, Koike and Hwang

2023 Poster: Shinji_Virtual Manipulation of Cultural Assets: An Initial Case Study with Single-Joint Articulated Models

“Virtual Manipulation of Cultural Assets: An Initial Case Study with Single-Joint Articulated Models” by Shinji and Fujishiro

2023 Poster: Uchida_Mixed Reality Visualization of Room Impulse Response Map using Room Geometry and Physical Model of Sound Propagation

“Mixed Reality Visualization of Room Impulse Response Map using Room Geometry and Physical Model of Sound Propagation” by Uchida, Tsunokuni, Ikeda and Oikawa

2023 Poster: Sato_Deformable Neural Radiance Fields for Object Motion Blur Reduction

“Deformable Neural Radiance Fields for Object Motion Blur Reduction” by Sato, Yamaguchi, Takeda and Morishima

2023 Poster: Takeda_Efficient 3D Reconstruction of NeRF using Camera Pose Interpolation and Photometric Bundle Adjustment

“Efficient 3D Reconstruction of NeRF using Camera Pose Interpolation and Photometric Bundle Adjustment” by Takeda, Yamaguchi, Sato, Fukazawa and Morishima

2023 Image Not Available

“Acute Stress Disorder Therapy by Virtual Reality: a Case Study of Ukrainian Refugees” by Kamińska, Zwoliński and Merecz-Kot

2023 Poster: Taguchi_An investigation of changes in taste perception by varying polygon resolution of foods in virtual environments

“An investigation of changes in taste perception by varying polygon resolution of foods in virtual environments” by Taguchi, Watanabe and Ishikawa

2023 Poster: Kang_High-resolution 3D Reconstruction with Neural Mesh Shading

“High-resolution 3D Reconstruction with Neural Mesh Shading” by Kang, Hwang, Choi and Lee

2023 Poster: Lin_DAncing Body, Speaking Hands (DASH): Sign Dance Generation System with Deep Neural Networks

“DAncing Body, Speaking Hands (DASH): Sign Dance Generation System with Deep Neural Networks” by Lin and Wei

2011 Poster Kanazawa A Walking Motion Morphing Method Based on Statistical Data of the Elderly 01

“A walking motion morphing method based on statistical data of the elderly” by Kanazawa, Arai, Moriya and Takahashi

2011 Poster Maldonado Simulation of breathing for medical applications 01

“Simulation of breathing for medical applications” by Maldonado and Lasenby

2011 Poster Misumi GAMIC Exaggerated real time character animation control method for full body gesture interaction systems 01

“GAMIC: exaggerated real time character animation control method for full-body gesture interaction systems” by Misumi, Fujimura, Kosaka, Hattori and Shirai

2011 Poster Choi Fluid Simulation without Pressure 01

“Fluid simulation without pressure” by Choi, Jeon, Yoon and Ko

2011 Poster Rowland MoCCA Motion Capture Cloth Analysis 01

“MoCCA: motion capture cloth analysis” by Rowland and Imrie

2011 Poster Iwamoto Estimating Fluid Simulation Parameters from Videos 02

“Estimating fluid simulation parameters from videos” by Iwamoto, Sagawa, Kunitomo and Morishima

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