2010 Poster: Withana Narrative Image Composition Using Objective and Subjective Tagging

“Narrative image composition using objective and subjective tagging” by Withana, Matsui, Sugimoto, Harada and Inakage

2010 Poster: Tsai MusicSpace: You ”Play” The Music

“MusicSpace: you “play” the music” by Tsai, Lin, Kuo, Cheng, Shen, et al. …

2010 Poster: Gotardo Integrated Space: Authoring in an Immersive Environment with 3D Body Tracking

“Integrated space: authoring in an immersive environment with 3D body tracking” by Gotardo and Price

2010 Poster: Coffey Shadow WIM: A Multi Touch, Dynamic World In Miniature Interface for Exploring Biomedical Data

“Shadow WIM: a multi-touch, dynamic world-in-miniature interface for exploring biomedical data” by Coffey and Keefe

2010 Poster: Cicconet Playing the QWERTY Keyboard

“Playing the QWERTY keyboard” by Cicconet and Carvalho

2010 Poster: NAKAE O Link: Augmented Object System for Intergenerational Communication

“O-Link: augmented object system for intergenerational communication” by Nakae, Ozawa and Miyashita

2010 Poster: Steinicke Perception of Perspective Distortions of Man-Made Virtual Objects

“Perception of perspective distortions of man-made virtual objects” by Steinicke, Bruder and Kuhl

2010 Poster: Gohlke TapShot: Screenshot Snippets as GUI Shortcuts

“TapShot: screenshot snippets as GUI shortcuts” by Gohlke, Hlatky and Loviscach

2010 Poster: Codyre Using innovative ehealth interventions in a local health care context

“Using innovative ehealth interventions in a local health care context” by Codyre

2010 Poster: Sucontphunt 3D Human Face Identity Transfer Using Deformation Gradient

“3D human face identity transfer using deformation gradient” by Sucontphunt, Deng and Neumann

2010 Poster: Ochiai The Visible Electricity Device Breadboard Visible

“The visible electricity device: visible breadboard” by Ochiai

2010 Poster: KUSHIYAMA Thermal Design Display device to use the thermal tactile illusions “Thermo Paradox”

“Thermal design display device to use the thermal tactile illusions: “Thermo-Paradox”” by Kushiyama, Baba, Doi and Sasada

2010 Poster: Rouanet Using mediator objects to easily and robustly teach visual objects to a robot

“Using mediator objects to easily and robustly teach visual objects to a robot” by Rouanet, Oudeyer and Filliat

2010 Poster: Yamamoto Darwin’s Lake : Sketch Based Creature Creation System Enables Users to Collaborate with Contents Designers

“Darwin’s Lake: sketch-based creature creation system enables users to collaborate with contents designers” by Yamamoto, Takeda, Ando and Kawano

2010 Poster: Abdelrahman Automated 3D Mesh Segmentation Using 2D Footprints

“Automated 3D mesh segmentation using 2D footprints” by Abdelrahman and Farag

2010 Poster: Akleman Cyclic Twill Woven Objects

“Cyclic twill-woven objects” by Akleman, Chen, Chen and Xing

2010 Poster: Yousef A Scripting language for Digital Content Creation Applications

“A scripting language for Digital Content Creation applications” by Yousef, Hashem, Saad, Gamal, Galal, et al. …

2010 Poster: Aina Automatic Muscle Generation for Physically Based Facial Animation

“Automatic muscle generation for physically-based facial animation” by Aina and Zhang

2010 Poster: Heo FASTCD: Fracturing Aware Stable Collision Detection

“FASTCD: fracturing-aware stable collision detection” by Heo, Kim, Seong, Hong, Tang, et al. …

2010 Poster: Goncalves Faster accurate reflections throught quadric mirrors

“Faster accurate reflections throught quadric mirrors” by Goncalves and Nogueira

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