2005 Poster: Liao Autostereoscopic Integral Photography Imaging using Pixel Distribution of Computer Graphics Generated Image

“Autostereoscopic integral photography imaging using pixel distribution of computer graphics generated image” by Liao, Nomura and Dohi

2005 Poster: Joffre High Dynamic Range Images from Digital Cameras Raw Data

“High dynamic range images from digital cameras raw data” by Joffre, Puech, Comby and Joffre

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interactive speech conversion system cloning speaker intonation automatically” by Adachi and Morishima

2005 Poster: Kim No More Blurred Blown up Images!

“No more blurred blown-up images!” by Kim, Park and Lee

2005 Poster: Fukuda Spectral based image editing system

“Spectral-based image-editing system” by Fukuda, Kishimoto, Yamaguchi, Haneishi and Ohyama

2005 Poster: Haller An augmented surface environment for storyboard presentations

“An augmented surface environment for storyboard presentations” by Haller, Leithinger, Leitner and Seifried

2005 Poster: Kowalik BROAFERENCE Using Emotion Data in Multimedia Services

“BROAFERENCE: using emotion data in multimedia services”

2005 Poster: Godil Similarity based Retrieval from a 3D Human Database

“Similarity based retrieval from a 3D human database” by Godil and Ressler

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Educating artists in a digital age” by Alexenberg

2005 Poster: Horiguchi ”Tath”: Tangible Mathematic Media

“Tath: tangible mathematic media” by Horiguchi, Usui, Ohtsuji and Okude

2005 Poster: Sells Creating a Real World Environment for WMD Incident Command Training

“Creating a real-world environment for WMD incident command training” by Sells, Wilson, Brandt and Johnston

2005 Poster: Williams An Evaluation of Animation in a Pedagogical Agent

“An evaluation of animation in a pedagogical agent” by Williams, Belynne and Bodenheimer

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“ChemPad: generating 3D molecules from 2D sketches” by Tenneson and Becker

2005 Poster: Tenneson The Graphics Teaching Tool for Non Technical Students

“The graphics teaching tool for non-technical students” by Tenneson and Spalter

2005 Poster: Chan Building Active Conversation Environment for Edutainment

“Building active conversation environment for edutainment” by Chan, Takazawa and Hoshino

2005 Poster: NAKAMURA An Innovative Non grounding Haptic Interface ‘GyroCubeSensuous’ displaying Illusion Sensation of Push, Pull and Lift

“An innovative non-grounding haptic interface ‘GyroCubeSensuous’ displaying illusion sensation of push, pull and lift” by Nakamura and Fukui

2005 Poster: Kawahara Context Inference Techniques for a Wearable Exercise System

“Context inference techniques for a wearable exercise support system” by Kawahara, Sugimoto, Arimitsu and Morandini

2005 Poster: Yoshimura Pictan: Interacting Through Free Hand Images

“Pictan: interacting through free-hand images” by Yoshimura, Aoki, Sumaki and Okude

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A kinesthetic exercise for teaching computer animation” by Joel and Echevarria

2005 Poster: Sudarsanam CubeCam : A screen space camera manipulation tool

“CubeCam: a screen-space camera manipulation tool” by Sudarsanam, Grimm and Singh

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