“A kinesthetic exercise for teaching computer animation” by Joel and Echevarria

  • ©William J. Joel and Abe Echevarria




    A kinesthetic exercise for teaching computer animation



    As Professors of Computer Science and Art, we have been asked, over the years, to teach courses ranging from fundamental illustration techniques to graduate level courses in computer graphics. But there has been one fundamental principle we have seen over and over again. It is that regardless of the sophistication of the tool, if the user has not grasped the underlying principles the likelihood of true success is slim. If this is a lesson quickly learned by most educators, then why do some, and the texts we choose, focus on the tool as opposed to the underlying skill?


    1. Ringling School of Art and Design: Majors – Computer Animation, Online: http://www.siggraph.org/s2005/main.php?f=cfp&p=posters& s=guidelines, April 7, 2005.
    2. Pepi, L., Panel: The Future of Computer Animation Education, Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH 2003.

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