2006 Poster: Zhou Perceptual Coloring and 2D Sketching for Segmentation of Neural Pathways

“Perceptual coloring and 2D sketching for segmentation of neural pathways” by Zhou, Sibley, Zhang, Tate and Laidlaw

2006 Poster: Schulze A User Interface for High Dynamic Range Transfer Function Design

“A user interface for high dynamic range transfer function design” by Schulze and Chourasia

2006 Poster: Taponecco Elliptical weighting for directional enhancement in controlled texture synthesis

“Elliptical weighting for directional enhancement in controlled texture synthesis” by Taponecco, Rieger, Urness and Interrante

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Unequal error protection for wavelet-based wireless mesh transmission” by Wu and Agu

2006 Poster: Chavez Establishing Intelligence in Dynamic Real Time 3D Characters

“Establishing intelligence in dynamic real time 3D characters” by Chavez and Lan

2006 Poster: Rothfarb Embedding Webcasts in Virtual Worlds to Enhance User Experiences

“Embedding webcasts in virtual worlds to enhance user experiences” by Rothfarb, Doherty, Higdon and Weber

2006 Poster: Lin View Dependent JPEG 2000 based Mesh Streaming

“View-dependent JPEG 2000-based mesh streaming” by Lin, Huan and Chen

2006 Poster: Glotzbach Mobile Media for Large Scale Sporting Events

“Mobile media for large-scale sporting events” by Glotzbach

2006 Poster: Meng Distance Estimation in Virtual Environments Using Bisection

“Distance estimation in virtual environments using bisection” by Meng, Rieser and Bodenheimer

2006 Poster: Stone Great Grids: How and Why?

“Great grids: how and why?” by Stone, Bartram and Gromala

2006 Poster: Ward Hiding Seams in High Dynamic Range Panoramas

“Hiding seams in high dynamic range panoramas” by Ward

2006 Poster: Williams. Exploring Large Virtual Environments with an HMD on Foot

“Exploring large virtual environments with an HMD on foot” by Williams, Narasimham, Bodenheimer, Rieser, Rump, et al. …

2006 Poster: Klein Egocentric Medium Field Distance Perception in Projection Environments

“Egocentric medium-field distance perception in projection environments” by Klein, Staadt, Swan, Schmidt and Livingston

2006 Poster: Fourquet Multiple Perspectives in Computer Graphics: Arguments from Perceptual Grouping and Renaissance Art

“Multiple perspectives in computer graphics: arguments from perceptual grouping and Renaissance art” by Fourquet, Cowan and Mann

2006 Poster: Kuang iCAM for High Dynamic Range Image Rendering

“iCAM for high-dynamic-range image rendering” by Kuang, Johnson and Fairchild

2006 Poster: Ziemer Making Distance Judgments in Real and Virtual Environments: Does Order Make a Difference?

“Making distance judgments in real and virtual environments: does order make a difference?” by Ziemer, Plumert, Cremer and Kearney

2006 Poster: Heminghous iComp: A Tool for Scanpath Visualization and Comparison

“iComp: a tool for scanpath visualization and comparison” by Heminghous and Duchowski

2006 Poster: Riecke Point to origin experiments in VR revealed novel qualitative errors in visual path integration

“Point-to-origin experiments in VR revealed novel qualitative errors in visual path integration”

2006 Poster: Mourant Optical Flow, Geometric Field of View, and Requested Vehicle Velocity

“Optical flow, geometric field of view, and requested vehicle velocity” by Mourant, Ahmad, Adetiloye and Jaeger

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Presence, rather than prior exposure, is the more strongly indicated factor in the accurate perception of egocentric distances in real world co-located immersive virtual environments” by Ries, Interrante, Anderson and Lindquist

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