2012 22 GPU Shaders for OpenGL 4.x

“GPU Shaders for OpenGL 4.x”

2012 21 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games Part II

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games: Part II” by Tatarchuk, Mittring, Hill, Baker and Edwards

2012 20 FEM Simulation of 3D Deformable Solids A Practitioner's Guide to Theory, Discretization, and Model Reduction

“FEM Simulation of 3D Deformable Solids: A Practitioner’s Guide to Theory, Discretization, and Model Reduction” by Sifakis

2012 19 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games Part I

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games: Part I” by Tatarchuk, Malan, Hennessy, Yang, Bowles, et al. …

2012 18 Deliverying Creative Feedback A Workshop on Critique

“Delivering Creative Feedback: A Workshop on Critique” by Hirsch

2012 17 Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization

“Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization” by Rhyne

2012 16 Character Rigging and Creature Wrangling in Game, Feature Animation, and Visual Effects Production

“Character Rigging and Creature Wrangling in Game, Feature Animation, and Visual Effects Production” by McLaughlin, Tooley and Cloward

2012 15 Practical Physically-Based Shading in Film and Game Production

“Practical Physically-Based Shading in Film and Game Production” by Hill, McAuley, Burley, Gotanda and Smits

2012 14 Data-Driven Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics Cloth, Tissue, and Faces

“Data-Driven Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics: Cloth, Tissue, and Faces” by Otaduy, Bickel, Bradley and Wang

2012 13 Cinematic Color From Your Monitor to the Big Screen

“Cinematic Color: From Your Monitor to the Big Screen” by Selan

2012 12 Beyond Programmable Shading

“Beyond Programmable Shading” by Lefohn, Houston, Andersson, Lauritzen, Crassin, et al. …

2012 11 Virtual Texturing in Software and Hardware

“Virtual Texturing in Software and Hardware” by Obert, Waveren and Sellers

2012 10 Introduction to Modern OpenGL

“Introduction to Modern OpenGL” by Angel and Shreiner

2012 9 Computational Plenoptic Imaging

“Computational Plenoptic Imaging” by Ihrke, Lanman, Heidrich and Akeley

2012 8 Computational Aesthetic Evaluation Steps Toward Machine Creativity

“Computational Aesthetic Evaluation: Steps Toward Machine Creativity” by Galanter

2012 7 Storytelling With a Camera and a Computer Q&A With Cinematographer Roger Deakins

“Storytelling With a Camera and a Computer: Q&A With Cinematographer Roger Deakins”

2012 6 The Invisible Art The History of Matte Painting Through the Digital Age

“The Invisible Art: The History of Matte Painting Through the Digital Age”

2012 5 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy of Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis

“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy of Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis” by Biasotti, Falcidieno, Giorgi and Spagnuolo

2012 4 State-of-the-Art Stereoscopic Visual Effects Stereoscopy and Conversion are More than Meets the Eye

“State-of-the-Art Stereoscopic Visual Effects: Stereoscopy and Conversion are “More than Meets the Eye”” by Karafin

2012 3 Principles of Animation Physics

“Principles of Animation Physics” by Garcia

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