2002 Art Paper: Holmes_Art Games and Breakout: New Media Meets the American Arcade

“Art Games and Breakout: New Media Meets the American Arcade” by Holmes

Asia2016 Xu Zhai Agitato

“Agitato” by Xu and Zhai

2019 Art Papers: Henchoz_Artist Residencies for Innovation: Development of a Global Framework

“Artist Residencies for Innovation: Development of a Global Framework” by Henchoz, Puissant, Leal, Moreira and Vinet

“Air Hugs: A Large-Scale Interactive Installation” by Dickey

1992 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available V2

“Artistic Frontiers in Virtual Reality” by Laurel

“Algorithmic Analysis and Visualization of Motion in Cinema” by Rodriguez

SIGGRAPH 2020: Artistic License in Heritage Visualisation: VR Sydney Cove Circa 1800

“Artistic License in Heritage Visualisation: VR Sydney Cove Circa 1800” by Devine

2018 Art Papers: Charisse_Alienating the Familiar with CGI: A Recipe for Making a Full CGI Art House Animated Feature

“Alienating the Familiar with CGI: A Recipe for Making a Full CGI Art House Animated Feature” by Counsell and Charisse

SIGGRAPH Asia Art Paper: Devine_Artistic License in Heritage Visualisation: VR Sydney Cove circa 1800

“Artistic License: VR Sydney Cove circa 1800” by Devine

2019 Art Papers: Heinicker_alt’ai : Designing Machine-to Machine Interfaces for Automated Landscapes

“Alt’ai — Designing Machine-to-Machine Interfaces for Automated Landscapes” by Heinicker, Likavčan and Lin

1983 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Artists/Technologists: The Computer As An Imaging Tool” by Furlong

1992 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available V2

“Aspects of the Aesthetics of Telecommunications” by Kac

2008 Dennis de Bel Associative Audio Design

“Associative Audio Design” by de Bel

2004 Art Papers: Edmonds_Audiovisual Discourse in Digital Art

“Audiovisual Discourse in Digital Art” by Edmonds and Pauletto

2018 Art Papers: Klein_Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A Dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing

“Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing” by Klein

2017 Art Papers: Broad_Autoencoding Blade Runner: Reconstructing Films with Artificial Neural Networks

“Autoencoding Blade Runner: Reconstructing Films with Artificial Neural Networks” by Broad and Grierson

2017 Art Papers: Grba_Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema

“Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema” by Grba

2019 Art Papers: Dickey_Awakened Silence: A Projected Performance

“Awakened Silence: A Projected Performance” by Dickey

2017 Inkumnoi, Srisumran: B/W Mind

“B/W Mind” by Inkumnoi and Srisumran

2009 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“GreenLite Dartmouth: Unplug or the Polar Bear Gets It” by Tice

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