2023 Courses: Kenwright_Web Programming Using WebGPU API (by Example)

“Web Programming Using WebGPU API (by Example)” Chaired by

2023 Realtime Live: Jones_Tell Me, Inge… An Interactive Interview With a Holocaust Survivor

“Tell Me, Inge… An Interactive Interview With a Holocaust Survivor” by Jones, Gaylord, Palitz, Auerbacher, Csabai, et al. …

2023 Realtime Live: Bhokare_Super Fast Strand-based Hair Rendering With Hair Meshes

“Super Fast Strand-based Hair Rendering With Hair Meshes” by Bhokare, Montalvo, Diaz, Allen and Yuksel

2023 Realtime Live: Chatzitofis_Suit Up: AI MoCap

“Suit Up: AI MoCap” by Chatzitofis, Albanis, Zioulis and Thermos

2023 Realtime Live: Husa_Sonification of a Juggling Performance Using Spatial Audio

“Sonification of a Juggling Performance Using Spatial Audio” by Husa and Leischner

2023 Realtime Live: Vincent_Roblox Generative AI in Action

“Roblox Generative AI in Action” by Vincent and Ayyar

2023 Realtime Live: Ladicky_Real-time Collision Using AI

“Real-time Collision Using AI” by Ladicky and Jeong

2023 Realtime Live: Chang_Napkinmatic AppMode 3D Mesh and Texture Designer

“Napkinmatic AppMode 3D Mesh and Texture Designer” by Chang and Zhou

2023 Realtime Live: Cambra_Intermediated Reality With an AI 3D Printed Character

“Intermediated Reality With an AI 3D Printed Character” by Cambra and Mitchell

2023 Realtime Live: Hurrey_Feature Film Quality Characters Anywhere

“Feature Film Quality Characters Anywhere” by Hurrey, Soulvie, Husen, Champion and Griffith

2023 Realtime Live: Zhang_ChatAvatar: Creating Hyper-realistic Physically Based 3D Facial Assets Through AI-driven Conversations

“ChatAvatar: Creating Hyper-realistic Physically Based 3D Facial Assets Through AI-driven Conversations” by Zhang, Zhang, Xu, Wu and Yu

2023 Appy Hour: Chang_PhysicsAR

“PhysicsAR” by Chang and Grandhi

2023 Appy Hour: Chang_Napkinmatic

“Napkinmatic” by Chang

2023 Appy Hour: Hamanaka_Melody Slot Machine HD

“Melody Slot Machine HD” by Hamanaka

2023 Appy Hour: Chang_Earrings.ai

“Earrings.ai” by Chang

2023 Talks: d’Eon_Beyond GGX and Beckmann: practical tools for multiple-scattering BSDFs with general NDFs

“Beyond GGX and Beckmann: practical tools for multiple-scattering BSDFs with general NDFs” by d’Eon

2023 Talks: Jendersie_An Approximate Mie Scattering Function for Fog and Cloud Rendering

“An Approximate Mie Scattering Function for Fog and Cloud Rendering” by Jendersie and d’Eon

2023 Talks: Rouffet_Making a Digital Double of Alan Shepard’s Space Suit

“Making a Digital Double of Alan Shepard’s Space Suit” by Rouffet, Dattoria, Cope, Blundell, Rossi, et al. …

2023 Talks: Jones_Framestore FUSE – An Unreal Engine Pipeline for Large Scale Live-Action VFX Production

“Framestore FUSE – An Unreal Engine Pipeline for Large Scale Live-Action VFX Production” by Jones and Prado

2023 Labs: Nolan_Reactive Visuals in P5.js with Custom Analog and Digital Inputs

“Labs Hands-On Class: Reactive Visuals in P5.js with Custom Analog and Digital Inputs” by Nolan

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