“MAGNET” by Signés and Close
- More from SIGGRAPH 1998:
Program Title:
- DIgital Pavilion
Presenter(s): Presenter(s):
- Mikael Bourges-Sevenier
- Renaud Cazoulat
- Yuval Fisher
- Pascal Houlier
- Olivier Ondet
- Bick Thuy Pham
- Didier Pillet
- Francois Ziserman
Project Affiliation:
- France Télécom R&D
MAGNET, France Telecom’s research and development project for streaming, interactive multimedia, is an implemen- tation of VRML97 and MPEG4 for scalable platforms in telecommunications environments.
MAGNET will enable delivery of a media-rich environment over very low, consumer-available bandwidth such as 33K modems. Because it implements the VRML97 and MPEG4 standards, MAGNET represents a near-future technology that will be widely accessible to an Internet consumer audience, to business intranets and extranets, and to content creators. The compression capabilities in MPEG and binary encoding for VRML will demonstrate the exploitation of this low-bandwidth medium. The MAGNET architecture is scalable, and future work will include implementations for scaled-down clients such as laptops or smaller devices.
Our work presents an interactive multi- media scene to the user in an advertising context, such as one might find in the future Internet or long-distance markets. It allows both local and remote (server-side) updates of the scene and features 3D, 2D, audio, and video media running on Pentium class PCs with graphics acceleration. All media are encoded and streamed in 33K client bandwidth, including scene geometry, media content, and parameters for continuous animation.