“HangerOVER : HMD-Embedded Haptics Display With Hanger Reflex” by Kon, Nakamura and Kajimoto

  • ©Yuki Kon, Takuto Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto



Entry Number: 11


    HangerOVER : HMD-Embedded Haptics Display With Hanger Reflex



    As a simple method to experience VR content with high immersion, we propose HangerOVER, an HMD-embedded haptics display that can provide both tactile and force senses using the Hanger Reflex (Figure 1). The Hanger Reflex is a phenomenon in which the head rotates unintentionally when appropriate pressure distribution is applied to the head. As it accompanies illusory external force and motion, it can be used to express haptics event in VR environment, such as being pushed and punched by a game character. The developed device is composed of air-driven balloons that can express four types of haptics senses such as touch, pressure, motion & force, and vibration. It can not only improve the immersion of the user’s VR experience, but also extends the degree of freedom of expression by game creators.


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