
    SigKids San Diego 2003 will be at the Computer Museum of America ( near the San Diego Convention Center. SigKids is happening during the 2003 ACM Siggraph Conference and is sponsored by the San Diego Chapter.

    When?? SigKids is from Monday, July 28 to Thursday, July 31, 2003.

    This year’s SigKids hopes to be the most exciting and interactive ever, and will have:

    • Project Displays (software, videos, websites, etc.) from jury competitions, as well as Demonstration Projects selected by jurors
    • Bilingual Plaza – Que Paso?
    • 3D Heroes Kiosk – Who was/is your 3D hero?
    • Auditorium/Screening Room for Siggraph videos and vintage 16mm educational films, and for the Educator’s Forum
    • Cyberarium Area

    Forum for Teachers, Educators, and Educational Software Developers

    From the meetings and dialogs we have had, as well as reading reports from previous SigKids, we have learned that in the field of educational 3D graphics there can often be a disconnect between teachers and educators on the one hand, and programmers and business people on the other. We would like to improve and facilitate this communication with a forum, and especially to make it easy for local teachers and educators to attend by offering transportation, free childcare, entertainment for spouses and/or kids, or whatever is required. Topics such as:

    • Today’s Teachers: Tell Us What You Need
    • Curriculum for Computer Graphics
    • Overcoming Barriers to Acceptance

    The SigKids venue will showcase winners of a juried competition in a variety of categories. Entries can be computer programs, websites, lab setups, videos, or other media which inform the process using graphics and/or interactivity in education.

    Here is a tentative list of categories:

    • Jury’s Choice
    • Best Interdisciplinary Project
    • Best Community Collaboration
    • Best Use of Multiple Senses
    • Best Spanish Language
    • Best Multilingual and/or Omnilingual

    Awards will be given in each category to non-profit and for-profit institutions, and also to individual classrooms and students.

    We will offer educational grant “prizes” to the non-profit winners, ranging from $500.00 to $1000.00, free publicity to for-profit winners, a “pizza party” and a Siggraph speaker for classrooms, and cash prizes of $50.00 to $100.00 for individual students. About twice as many runners-up as winners will also be recognized.

SIGKids Chair:


SIGKIDS San Diego 2003 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What is SIGKIDS San Diego 2003?
    A: SIGKIDS 2003 is a project — concurrent with the SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference in San Diego — which will provide a kid-friendly place where parents and their kids, and anyone else interested, can see and interact with educational computer graphics and interactive technology in the form of web sites, software, installations, videos, and who knows what else.

    Q: Why is SIGKIDS happening?
    A: Since 1992 SIGKIDS has been a part of many SIGGRAPH conferences, providing outreach to two groups of children:

    • the children of the conference attendees and their families, who might otherwise not have a way to appreciate and enjoy the kind of cutting-edge technology created and used by their parents, and
    • the children of the community where the conference is being held, who might otherwise be unaware that such an astounding collection of people and technology are coming to their city.

    Q: Who is producing SIGKIDS?
    A: SIGKIDS 2003 is being produced by the San Diego Professional Chapter of The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Graphics (SIGGRAPH). We are a group of computer graphics professionals (mostly) in San Diego County (mostly) who have about six to eight events per year for our members. We are very excited that the SIGGRAPH international conference is coming to San Diego for the first time in 2003. Alan Scrivener ( is the Chair of the San Diego Professional Chapter and the SIGKIDS 2003 project.

    Q: Where will SIGKIDS be held?
    A: Our main venue will be The Computer Museum of America, at 640 C Street, near the corner of 7th Ave. and C Street, in downtown San Diego. The museum’s phone number is (619) 235-8222.

    In addition, we may also have a small SIGKIDS annex at the San Diego Convention Center. Check back at this website for more information as the conference draws nearer.

    Q: When are the important dates for SIGKIDS?
    A: The important dates are:

    Feb. through Apr. 2003 — invite people to submit projects
    30 Apr. 2003 — deadline for SIGKIDS 2003 submissions Submit a Project
    Wed. 21 May 2003 — project winners announced
    Mon. 30 June 2003 — deadline for SIGKIDS volunteer applications
    Mon. 28 July 2003 — SIGKIDS setup
    Tue. 29 to Thu. 31 July 2003 — SIGKIDS event 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily
    Thu. 31 July 2003 — SIGKIDS tear-down 5:00 – 9:00 PM

    Q: How can I participate in SIGKIDS?
    A: You can participate in SIGKIDS in five ways:

    1. You can assist with the planning, publicity, and logistics, as part of the SIGKIDS committee.
      We have a moderated email group:
      You can sign up on the web page:,
      and you’ll receive notices about our meetings, usually on the last Monday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.
    2. You can submit a project to SIGKIDS, a website, video, software program, installation, or something we haven’t thought of. To submit a project see the Project Submission Form.
    3. You can volunteer to be a docent at the SIGKIDS event. See the question below, How do I volunteer to help out at SIGKIDS?
    4. You can donate money to SIGKIDS, as an individual or a corporation. Your donation is tax-deductible as we are a 501-(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Make checks payable to: “San Diego Professional Chapter ACM SIGGRAPH” and send to: Alan Scrivener, SIGKIDS Chair
      We will send you a receipt for a charitable contribution. All donors will be listed on the SIGKIDS website and on a sign at the SIGKIDS venue.
    5. You can attend and bring kids! Feel free to organize school groups, scout troops, etc., as long as there is one adult for every four kids

    Q: How do I submit my video/web site/software/project/whozit to SIGKIDS?
    A: See the Project Submission Form.

    Q: How do I volunteer to help out at SIGKIDS?
    A: You can be a docent at the SIGKIDS venue. We are especially interested in bilingual (English and Spanish) volunteers.

    Q: Can I go with my kids to SIGKIDS?
    A: By all means. This experience is designed for parents and children to share.

    Q: Can I leave my kids at SIGKIDS while I go to SIGGRAPH?
    A: No, we are not providing child care. This is an experience you should share with your children. Child care is provided on a fee basis at the Convention Center.

    Q: How much does it cost to attend SIGKIDS?
    A: If you have any type of SIGGRAPH badge, you and up to four children can attend at no additional charge. Without a SIGGRAPH badge you pay the regular museum admission: Adults are $2; seniors, military, students and children are $1. Children under 3 are admitted free.

    Q: How can I get to SIGKIDS from the Convention Center?
    A: There are three ways:

    1. You can take the San Diego Trolley. Get on the Orange Line westbound (the tracks farthest from the Convention Center) at either the Gaslamp Quarter or Convention Center stop, and get off at the Fifth Avenue stop. Walk two blocks east on C Street to the corner of 7th Avenue and C Street. The Computer Museum of America will be on your left. Look for the SIGKIDS banner.
    2. You can walk. The distance is about seven-tenths of a mile, which the average person can walk in about 14 minutes. From the east end of the Convention Center, follow the signs to the Gaslamp Quarter, entering at 5th Avenue and L Street, then walk north on 5th Avenue nine blocks to C Street, turn right, and continue two blocks to the corner of 7th Avenue and C Street. The Computer Museum of America will be on your left. Look for the SIGKIDS banner.
    3. You can take a pedicab. These three-wheeled pedaled vehicles are usually found in the area of the Convention Center and the Gaslamp Quarter.

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