SIGGRAPH 1980: Computer Art Show and Cover Design Contest
Art Show Overview:
SIGGRAPH ’80 invites you to enter your computer generated artwork for competition in selecting a cover for the Conference Proceedings. All entries, at the discretion of the committee, witll be on display at the SIGGRAPH ’80 Conference in Seattle, July 14-18, 1980.
Additional Documents:
View: [SIGGRAPH_1980_Art_Show]
Additional Information:
The following rules apply:
- There will be two divitions: monochrome and color. The first place winner from each division, to be chosen by a panel of judges, will be published on the cover or first page of the Proceedings.
- Entries should be in a camera ready format displayable in an area not to exceed 36″ by 40″. The artist should be aware that an aspect ratio of approximately 1 x 1 will be used in the design of the cover for the Proceedings. Entries must be totally computer generated and not manually retouched. If transparencies are submitted, you must include at least one 8″ by 10″ print for the Conference Art Show.
- A one page (8.5″ x 11″) abstract is required according in the entry schedule below. This abstract should include a title and a description of the process involved in the creation of the entry, covering topics such as process equipment, hardware and software techniques, and into which division, monochrome or color, the entry will be placed.
- Judging will be based on the aesthetic value, technical merits and content of the entry. The judging committee will consist of three members representing academic, artistic and technical perspectives. At the discretion of the judges, a decision for no awards can be made. Up to three entries per individual are allowed; SIGGRAPH ’80 judging and steering committee members and their relatives are not eligible.
- First place winners from each division, in addition to publication in the Proceedings, will recieve complimentary registration to the SIGGRAPH ’80 Conference. All proper entries, at the discretion of the committee, will be published in the Proceedings, or in a seperate microfiche.
- The following schedule must be met for assuring consideration in judging: Abstract (January 4, 1979), Entry (February 15, 1980), Notification of Awards (March 15, 1980)
- Abstracts and questions should be submitted to: Steve Wells ((205) 453-0599, Cover Design Competition, SIGGRAPH ’80, P.O. Box 08203, Seattle, Wa. 93108)
- All entries become property of the A.C.M. Winners will be subject to the A.C.M. Copyright Agreement.
Exhibition Artworks:
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Cardioids 3
Artist(s): [Giloth]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Electronic Landscape 1
Artist(s): [Giloth]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Mount RaInIer from the North
Artist(s): [Carpenter]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Sine Rip
Artist(s): [Giloth]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Armstrong]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Carlson]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Christensen]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Davis]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Fussell]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Gerbarg]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Nicol]
Type: [2D & Wall-Hung]
Artist(s): [Wyzkoski]