Thea Rapp: La Lussuria

  • ©2003, Thea Rapp



    La Lussuria


Creation Year:



    24 in x 36 in


Artist Statement:

    The Lust card from the tarot was the inspiration for La Lussuria. It represents hidden intentions and secret knowledge, enticing you even though it is forbidden.

    I communicate more effectively through imagery, and I value the response of the viewer because it helps me to gain a better understanding of my work.

    All base images are my own original black-and-white, 35mm, medium-format, or large-format photographs. Final photographic fiber prints are then scanned and manipulated using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. They are then printed on a LightJet printer onto Kodak semi-matte paper.

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: