“Real-Time Shading” by Olano, Akeley, Hart, Heidrich, McCool, et al. …

  • ©Marc Olano, Kurt Akeley, John C. Hart, Wolfgang Heidrich, Michael D. McCool, Jason L. Mitchell, and Randi J. Rost



Entry Number: 01


    Real-Time Shading

Course Organizer(s):



    Working knowledge of a modern real-time graphics API like OpenGL or Direct3D. Familiarity with the concepts of procedural shading and shading languages.

    Intended Audience
    Technical practitioners and software developers who use or intend to use real-time shading.

    Real-time procedural shading was once a distant dream. When the first version of this course was offered four years ago, real-time shading was possible, but only with one-of-a-kind hardware or by combining the effects of tens to hundreds of rendering passes. Today, almost every new computer comes with graphics hardware capable of interactively executing shaders of thousands to tens of thousands of instructions.

    For SIGGRAPH 2004, the course has been redesigned to address today’s real-time shading capabilities and provide more practical information for practitioners. The morning sessions cover the more advanced technical aspects of creating a shading system. Afternoon sessions cover practical details of real-time shading use, including an overview of recently developed algorithms that run well on today’s shading hardware, followed by presentations on the latest hardware developments from several leading hardware vendors. The course concludes with a question-and-answer session, where attendees can ask questions of any presenter or suggest topics of discussion.


Overview Page: