“X’talVisor: Full open type head-mounted projector” by Sonoda, Endo, Kawakami and Tachi

  • ©Tetsuri Sonoda, Tomohiro Endo, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi



E-Tech Type(s):


    Today, most conventional wearable stereoscopic displays, such as liquid crystal shatter glass, HMD, and so on suffer the practical problem of covering a large part of the wearer’s face, so that in daily use, they hinder normal communication with surrounding people. Some naked eye stereoscopic displays such as LCD with a lenticular lens array have been proposed, but they have limited viewpoints and narrow fields of view.

    We propose a new type of head-mounted projector (HMP), named X’talVisor as an ideal tool for future VR collaborative environments. The X’talVisor is a head mounted type display with a large field of view, yet covers little of the wearer’s face, so true “face to face” communication is not hindered by the display.

Other Information:


    [1]M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Yanagida, T. Maeda, K. Mabuchi and S. Tachi, Head-Mounted Projector, ACM SIGGRAPH ’99 Conference Abstracts and Applications, p.179(Emerging Technologies), 1999


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