“Automatic Scene Inference for 3D Object Compositing” by Karsch, Sunkavalli, Hadap, Carr, Jin, et al. …

  • ©Kevin Karsch, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Sunil Hadap, Nathan Carr, Hailin Jin, Rafael Fonte, Michael Sittig, and David A. Forsyth




    Automatic Scene Inference for 3D Object Compositing

Session/Category Title:   Shady Images




    We present a user-friendly image editing system that supports a drag-and-drop object insertion (where the user merely drags objects into the image, and the system automatically places them in 3D and relights them appropriately), postprocess illumination editing, and depth-of-field manipulation. Underlying our system is a fully automatic technique for recovering a comprehensive 3D scene model (geometry, illumination, diffuse albedo, and camera parameters) from a single, low dynamic range photograph. This is made possible by two novel contributions: an illumination inference algorithm that recovers a full lighting model of the scene (including light sources that are not directly visible in the photograph), and a depth estimation algorithm that combines data-driven depth transfer with geometric reasoning about the scene layout. A user study shows that our system produces perceptually convincing results, and achieves the same level of realism as techniques that require significant user interaction.


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