Issue 100: Fifteen Years of Computer Graphics (Excerpts) 1979-1994 SPECIAL ISSUE

  • ©100, Fifteen Years of Computer Graphics (Excerpts) 1979-1994 SPECIAL ISSUE

SVR Issue No:  100

SVR Issue Title:  Fifteen Years of Computer Graphics (Excerpts) 1979-1994 SPECIAL ISSUE

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SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 100: Fifteen Years of Computer Graphics (Excerpts)

    1979-1994 SPECIAL ISSUE
    1. Sunstone – Emshwiller
    2. Vol Libre – Carpenter
    3. Doxorubicin/DNA – Max
    4. The Tactical Edge – Blinn
    5. Carla’s Island – Max
    6. Mimas/Voyager II – Blinn
    7. Triple-I Digital Scene Simulation Reel – Triple-I
    8. Cranston/Csuri Productions – Cranston/Csuri
    9. Star Trek II Genesis – Paramount/Lucasfilm
    10. Growth/Mysterious Galaxy – Kawaguchi
    11. Inside a Quark – Greens/NYIT
    12. Works’ Ant – NYIT
    13. Wag the Flag – Kesler and Balch
    14. Bio-Sensor – Osaka Unv. and Toyo Links
    15. Robert Abel and Associates ’84 Demo Reel – Abel
    16. Digital Productions Demo Reel – Digital Prod.
    17. Star Rider Laser Disk Video Game – Computer Creations
    18. The Mechanical Universe – JPL
    19. The Making of BRILLIANCE – Abel
    20. Videoplace Sampler – Krueger
    21. Tuber’s Two Step – Wedge
    22. Eurythmy – Amkraut, Girard and Karl
    23. Digital Effects Demo Reel – Digital Effects
    24. Quest – Sciulli, Arvo and White
    25. Omnibus Demo Reel ’85 – Ominibus
    26. Calculated Movements – Cuba
    27. Luminare – Sanborn and Winkler
    28. Growth III: Origin – Kawaguchi
    29. The Last Starfighter Excerpts – Digital Productions
    30. Opera Industriel – PDI
    31. New Threads – AT&T Bell Labs
    32. Details Count – Kilner, Nelson and Gallo
    33. Visitor on a Foggy Night – Hiroshima University
    34. L.A.: The Movie – JPL
    35. Instabilities in Supersonic Flows – Norman, NCSA
    36. Volume Visualization with the Pixar Image Computer – Pixar
    37. Connection Machine Applications – Thinking Machines
    38. A Close Encounter in the Fourth Dimension – Norton, IBM
    39. Red’s Dream (excerpt) – Pixar
    40. Fabricated Rhythm – AT&T Bell Labs
    41. Mental Images – mental images
    42. Flying Logos, Inc. – Conn, Homer & Assoc.
    43. Burning Love – PDI
    44. Particle Dreams – Sims, Whitney-Demos
    45. Simulated Treatment of an Ocular Tumor – Lytle
    46. Study of a Numerically Modeled Severe Storm – NCSA
    47. Tipsy Turvy – Norton, IBM
    48. A Sequence from the Evolution of Form – IBM UK
    49. A Volume of 2-D Julia Sets – Sandin
    50. Panspermia – Sims
    51. The Nature – Taira, Dentsu
    52. SIGGRAPH ’91 Audience Participation – Carpenter
    53. NASA Ames Virtual Windtunnel – Bryson and Levit
    54. Wet Science – Plotkin
    55. PDI Morph Reel – PDI
    56. On the Run – Raibert
    57. Not Knot (excerpt) – Gunn
    58. Maxwell’s Demon – Duesing
    59. Rien Qu’un Souffle (A slight breeze) – Videosystem
    60. Sound Rendering – George Washington University
    61. The Lawnmower Man – Xaos
    62. Mercury – Brozsek
    63. Data Driven: The Story of Franz K. – NCSC
    64. Gas Planet – PDI
    65. Scuba Dog – Boss Film Studios
    66. Seafari – Rhythm & Hues Studios

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