Yongjoon Lee
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Bungie, Inc.
Course Organizer:
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Courses]
Destiny Character-Animation System and Lessons Learned Organizer(s): [Lee]
Presenter(s): [Lee] [Armstrong] [Spataro]
Entry No.: [16]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Character Animation in Two-Player Adversarial Games Presenter(s): [Wampler] [Andersen] [Herbst] [Lee] [Popovic]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Space-Time Planning With Parameterized Locomotion Controllers Presenter(s): [Levine] [Lee] [Koltun] [Popovic]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Contact-aware nonlinear control of dynamic characters Presenter(s): [Muico] [Lee] [Popović] [Popovic]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Near-optimal character animation with continuous control Presenter(s): [Treuille] [Lee] [Popovic]
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