William (Will) Wright

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Maxis Software


  • SIGGRAPH 2009

    Video game designer, creator of Spore™ and The Sims series

    Will Wright rose to prominence when he invented SimCity, the widely acclaimed, non-violent, open-ended simulation video game. Since its release 20 years ago, he has expanded his simulation realm with the introduction of The Sims series and several other follow-ups, includin SimEarth: The Living Planet, and SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony. In all, the franchise has sold more than 58 million games and was the best selling PC game for five consecutive years. In 2008, Wright unveiled his latest achievement: Spore™, an internet-based game that allows users to create a species of creatures and share their evolutions with other players interactively worldwide. The game was named by Time Magazine as one of the “50 Best Inventions of 2008”.

Artwork Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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