Scott Lang

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • The Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • United Nations International School


  • Scott Lang is the Video / Animation Instructor at the Bergen County Academies in Hackensack, NJ. He previously worked at the United Nations International School where he served as Educational Technologist and founded the school’s Media Lab. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from the New York Institute of Technology. His primary research interest involves the integration of computer science and interactive technologies in the educational process at the high school level.

    SIGGRAPH 1998 Jury Statement

    The central themes of the sigKIDS  venue for SIGGRAPH 98 were inspiration, motivation, and participation. These  were the driving factors in helping us to craft the sigKIDS area in Hall C. When we chose our selections for the sigKIDS Theater program, we selected pieces that would inspire not only a child of seven but an adult of seventy. We hoped both young and old would be moved to participate in coming years so the sigKIDS Theater becomes an annual event. I believe that we met these goals with the work that’s been selected. We have pieces that will make you laugh, that will make you think, that will educate you, that will make you wonder “Why?” Much as life is a story, many of the pieces in the sigKIDS Theater were chosen for the wonderful stories they tell. In the final analysis, a tale is only as good as the story it tells and the effect it has on you. We hope we’ve inspired and motivated you to participate in the future.  

Experience Category: Organizing Committee Co-Chair/Adminitrative Assistant:

Experience Category: Organizing Committee Member:



Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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