Robert Mallary

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  • I am one of the pioneers of computer art, having worked continuously in this now increasingly popular field of art and technology since 1967, the year I learned of the computer’s remarkable ability to generate and transform images. But my interest in the creative integration of science, technology, and art goes back to the early fifties, when my ground-breaking experiments with polyester and other plastic materials eventually gave rise to the series of assemblage relief constructions, wall sculpture, and “tuxedo” figures for which I became known during the brief halcyon days of Neo-Dada and assemblage art in the early sixties.

    My contributions to computer art over the years include: learning to write and use my own computer programs; developing the first program, TRAN2, for the computer-aided design of sculpture; developing the first program, ECOSITE, for the design of land reclamation and earth sculpture; developing a series of large programs, oriented to the lineal character of computer-driven pen plotters; developing a large library of tutorial programs and subroutines (over 150 in all) to support my creative work and teaching; and creating and exhibiting a large oeuvre of computer-graphic art that has drawn upon the resources of this library. I have also written articles and lectured extensively on computer art.

    Robert Mallary
    1917 – 1997


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