Ravish Mehra
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Oculus, Facebook, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Research Scientist
Ravish Mehra is a Research Scientist at the Oculus Research lab where he specializes in sound rendering
technology for VR. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill under the supervision of Prof. Dinesh Manocha and Prof. Ming Lin. He received his M.S.
degree from UNC Chapel Hill in 2011 and Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 2008.
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Courses]
Physically Based Sound for Computer Animation and Virtual Environments Organizer(s): [James]
Presenter(s): [Zheng] [Langlois] [Mehra]
Entry No.: [23]
Type: [Technical Papers]
High-order diffraction and diffuse reflections for interactive sound propagation in large environments Presenter(s): [Manocha] [Schissler] [Mehra]