Rajesh Turakhia

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Maya Entertainment Ltd.


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Rajesh Turakhia is the CEO of Maya Entertainment Ltd. (MEL), a leading VFX and CG animation studio in Mumbai, India. Under Rajesh, MEL has built on its pioneering presence in the domestic VFX market, and has also developed a reputation for quality and speed of delivery in international CG and VFX projects. This has fueled the expansion of MEL to almost two hundred employees. Most recently, MEL delivered the top rated Christmas special “The Tale of Jack Frost” for BBC Worldwide. MEL was also part of the team which created the GDC-nominated game cinematic “Golden Eye: Rogue Agent” for Electronic Arts. 

    Prior to being CEO, Rajesh was VP of Maya’s Education division, MAAC. He was responsible for growing MAAC from a single center in 2001 to India’s leading animation training franchise with thirty-five centers, 1500 alumni and three thousand current students. Rajesh has previously been an entrepreneur in the computer and software distribution businesses. 

    As a leading spokesperson for the Indian animation and training industries, he is a frequent speaker at various industry forums. Rajesh holds an MBA from the Univ. of Hartford, Connecticut and is an amateur stage actor and Indian classical vocalist.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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