Paul Hemp

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Harvard Business Review


  • SIGGRAPH 2007

    Paul Hemp is a senior editor at Harvard Business Review, where he edits and writes articles on a variety of topics. He is the author of “My Week as a Room Service Waiter at the Ritz” (HBR June 2002), “Presenteeism: At Work – But Out of It” (HBR October 2004), “Avatar-Based Marketing” (HBR June 2006), and “Are You Ready for E-tailing 2.0?” (HBR October 2006). He has appeared as a commentator on CNN, CNBC, and the BBC and as a panelist at such conferences as the Yale CEO Leadership Summit and the SXSW Interactive Festival. Previously, Mr. Hemp was the director of publications at Mercer Management Consulting in Boston, a writer and editor at The Boston Globe, and a reporter at The Wall Street Journal in London and Brussels. He is a graduate of Whitman College and Harvard Law School.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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