Neil A. Dodgson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Victoria University of Wellington, Department of Engineering and Computer Science


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Dr Dodgson is a Senior Lecturer in the Graphics & Interaction Research Group (Rainbow Group) at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. 

    He has worked on autostereoscopic display technologies since 1991 and has a broad and deep view of research in the area. Since 2001, he has been on the programme committee of the primary conference for 3D display technology: Stereoscopic Displays & Applications (SPIE/IS&T) []. In 2006 he is one of the three chairs of the conference. Dr Dodgson says: “I have seen a host of technologies presented as “the next big thing”: this makes me sceptical of claims that “3DTV is the future”!” 

    In addition to his work in stereoscopy, Dr Dodgson’s research group pioneered work on desktop displays with the “Digital Desk” (Pierre Wellner & Peter Robinson) and continues to work in novel display technologies, including the Escritoire, a foveal Digital Desk-like display (Mark Ashdown & Peter Robinson). 

    Dr Dodgson is a Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and a member of the IEE, Eurographics, and ACM SIGGRAPH. 

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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