Monika May

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):


Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Colorado Technical University


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Monika May is a digital artist, new media specialist, and teaches computer graphics at Colorado Technical University. Her first encounter with the Internet via the WELL in 1990 was profound, opening up new frontiers of communication possibilities. Since then she has worked/played extensively with the World Wide Web. An avid student of self-discovery, she has explored and practiced conscious evolution for over 20 years and integrates this intelligence to expand her creative expression. Highlights include:

    – SIGGRAPH Traveling Art Show 2003-2005. “Out My Window”, a 3D digital composition, is traveling around the world for 2 years as part of a 39-piece collection.

    – SIGGRAPH Art Gallery 2003. Her 3D art works entitled, “Creeping Magnolia” and “Out My Window” exhibited in San Antonio, Texas. 

    – Top 100 Multimedia producers for 2001. A/V Video Multimedia Magazine. Non-entertainment media award, for developing/creating Internet streaming video for online training.

    – Centra Paragon Award 2000. Best E-Commerce Product Training Application, MCI Customer Training Virtual Classroom. 

    – Gateway Course for Conscious Evolution ( current participant. 

    – Website:


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Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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