Michal Valient

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Guerrilla Games, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • “Killzone Shadow Fall”, Lead Tech
  • Side Effects Software Inc.


  • SIGGRAPH 2013

    Michal Valient leads the technology team at Guerrilla. He spends his time working on the engine technology powering highly acclaimed games such as Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 as well as  some yet unreleased projects. Prior, he worked as a programmer and a lead at Caligari where he developed the shader-based real-time rendering engine for Caligari trueSpace7. His interests include many aspects of light transfer, shadows and parallel processing. He believes in sharing the knowledge and gave GDC and SIGGRAPH talks and wrote graphics papers published in ShaderX books and conference journals.  

    SIGGRAPH 2012

    Michal Valient leads the technology team at Guerrilla. He spends his time working on the engine technology powering highly acclaimed games such as Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 as well as  some yet unreleased projects. Prior, he worked as a programmer and a lead at Caligari where he  developed the shader-based real-time rendering engine for Caligari trueSpace7. His interests include many aspects of light transfer, shadows and parallel processing. He believes in sharing the  knowledge and gave GDC and Siggraph talks and wrote graphics papers published in ShaderX books and conference journals.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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