Michael McGrath

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Also Known As:

  • Mike McGrath

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Colorado School of Mines


  • Golden, Colorado, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 2008

    Michael McGrath: Mike McGrath was a professor of engineering at the Colorado School of Mines from 1985 to 2007. He was a Program Director, National Science Foundation from 1992-1994 for the Graphics Center and National Supercomputing Centers programs. He has been involved in teaching and consulting in computer graphics since 1975. He has over 50 publications and presentations on education or research in computer graphics, CAD, scientific visualization and design. He is a member of the NSF Panel on Visualization in Scientific Computing. Mike served on the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee as ACM SIGGRAPH Director for Education from 1998-2003.  

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:


Experience Category Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):

Learning Category: Moderator:


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