Mark D. Pesce

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Silicon Graphics

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Author, Independent


  • SIGGRAPH1995

    Late in 1990, Pesce read Wllliam Gibson’s Neuromancer. Gibson’s evocation of the Matrix, a fully perceptualized internetwork, led Pesce to develop Cyberspace Protocol, which provides a three-dimensional Domain Name Service, binding a regular spatial topology to an irregular network topology. At SIGGRAPH ’93, Pesce saw the first versions of NCSA’s Mosaic, and a few months later, acquired a copy for himself and immediately began to design a 3D interface to the World Wide Web, Labyrinth (This technology was later renamed “Virtual Reality Modeling Language”, or VRML). At SIGGRAPH ’94, Pesce brought VRML to SIGKIDS with a WWW-based tour of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washlngton D.C.. As moderator of the VRML mailing list, he has helped to forge a technical community dedicated to problem-solving in a collaborative environment.


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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