Leo Hourvitz

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • NeXT, Inc.

Other Affiliation(s):

  • Electronic Arts, Inc.


  • Palo Alto, California, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1989

    Leo Hourvitz is the head of the graphics group at NeXT, Inc., where he has been involved in the design of DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT and the NeXT computer system for over three years. Previous to working at NeXT, Leo worked in the Macintosh software group at Apple Computer. He is a graduate of the MIT Architecture Machine group, and the University of Michigan.

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Leo Hourvitz is the head of the graphics group at NeXT, Inc., where he has been involved in the design of Display PostScript and the NeXT computer system for four and a half years. Previous to working at NeXT, Leo worked in the Macintosh software group at Apple Computer. He is a graduate of the MIT Architecture Machine Group and the University of Michigan.


Learning Organizing Committee Chair:

Course Organizer:

Experience Organizing Committee Member:

Learning Organizing Committee Member:

Learning Jury Member:

Learning Presentation(s):


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