Kim Davidson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Side Effects Software Inc., Co-founder and CEO and President


  • SIGGRAPH 2015

    KIM DAVIDSON is a 3D animation and visual effects pioneer. Kim is President and CEO of Side Effects Software, a company he cofounded in 1987 that has been been honored three times with technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for innovations in their flagship product Houdini. Most recently in early 2012.

    Kim is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and a recipient of the J. Wesley Graham Medal in Computing and Innovation. At Waterloo he received a Bachelor of Engineering in preprofessional architecture and a Bachelor of Mathematics in computer science. Upon completing his studies, Kim entered the nascent field of computer animation in 1985.

    With a background in architecture, Kim gravitated towards working in a 3D environment – producing broadcast spots, logos and effects for television. After co-founding Side Effects Software, Kim continued to animate and program, helping to develop Side Effects first 3D software package called PRISMS. Early in the company’s history, the focus shifted away from production and towards the development of the best tools possible for 3D artists and the result was Houdini. In 1992 Kim founded Catapult Productions for the purpose of creating compelling 3D character animation, including the award-winning children’s series Monster by Mistake.

    Side Effects Software and Catapult Productions reflect two of Kims great passions: graphics software and character animation. Kim is a member of the Visual Effects Society and a member of the Screen Industries Research and Training Centre board at Pinewood Toronto. He lives in Toronto with his wife and three kids. He is a great enthusiast and certified coach of both baseball and basketball.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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