Jay Melican

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  • SIGGRAPH1994

    Mr. Melican received his BA degree in semiotics from Brown University (1988) and his MFA in graphic design from Rhode Island School of Design (1993). During his graduate studies, he worked as a freelance designer and as a designer and copy editor with the school’s publications department. He has designed corporate symbols and multimedia displays using Macromedia Director. At Aaron Marcus and Associates. Inc., Mr. Marcus, Mr. Heidrich, and Mr. Melican design for and consult with marketing and development groups at Apple, Applicon-Schlumberger, Beckman Instruments, Digital  Equipment, Dupont, Eastman Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Linotype- Hell, MCC, McDonnell-Douglas, Motorola, NCR, Reuters, Ricoh, 3M, and  Xerox, among others.  

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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