James Tichenor

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Facebook


  • Menlo Park, California, United States of America


  • James Tichenor is a designer manager in AR/VR at Facebook. Prior to his current employment, he worked as a designer at Microsoft on Hololens working on the core OS and input and interaction where he had the opportunity to design some of the core building blocks and patterns of spatial computing. Prior to designing experiences in the digital realm, he started with the physical world. He received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He followed that with a Master of Interaction Design from the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. He combined his understanding of the physical world and experience design as he founded the LAB at the Rockwell Group, an interaction design studio within an architecture office that included the design of interactive spaces for Google and the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas as well as creating Spacebrew, the open source toolkit for choreographic interactive spaces.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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