Hyejin Hannah Kum-Biocca

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  • Newark, New Jersey, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH Asia 2020

    Dr. Hannah Kum-Biocca is a digital media artist and interface designer trained in London and Seoul living in New York. Her interactive media works have been featured in over 25 Solo and Group Exhibitions in USA, England, Korea, Australia, and Japan. Dr. Kum-Biocca has also been a design professor at seven research universities in the United States, England, Korea, and Singapore.

    Kum-Biocca’s work often pits the digital body against the physical body, the virtual and mediated embodiment against the fleshy and tangible. In her award-winning London video installation piece, the naked female form is pressed against a transparent chair, as a camera above studies an Asian woman flipping through images of western female bodies. We see her own naked flesh pressed against the chair, each movement of her body smeared like strokes of an abstract painting on huge screens. The audience becomes aware of the representation of the body in this virtual abstracted form.

    In other interactive media works, the physical-artifact living in a museum, the dead artwork, comes to life. The virtual body of the artist, voices, people in the artwork, and rich interactive annotations appear; virtual ghosts floating around and explaining the physical artwork.



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