Gregory M. Nielson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Arizona State University, Professor of Computer Science

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Adjunct Professor


  • Tempe, Arizona, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1995

    Gregory M. Nielson is a professor of computer science and adjunct professor of mathematics at Arizona State University where he teaches and does research in the areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design and Scientific Visualization. He has lectured and published widely on the topics of curve and surface representation and design; interactive computer graphics; scattered data modeling; and the analysis and visualization of multivariate data. He has collaborated with several institutions including NASA, Xerox, and General Motors and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Professor Nielson is on the editorial board of the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Visualization and Computer Animation Journal, Computer Graphics (Russian) and Computer Graphics and Applications. He is one of the founders of the new IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He is one of the founders and members of the steering committee of the Visualization conference series and he is currently a director of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics. Professor Nielson is the recipient of a Computer Society Meritorious Service Award in 1993 and an Outstanding Contribution Award in 1995. Professor Nielson received his Ph.D. from the University of Utah in 1970.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Gregory M. Nielson is a professor of computer science and adjunct professor of mathematics at Arizona State University where he teaches and does research in the areas of  Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design and Scientific Visualization. He has lectured and published widely on the topics of curve and surface representation and design; interactive computer graphics; scattered data interpolation; and the analysis and visualization of multivariate data. He has collaborated with several institutions including NASA, Xerox, and General Motors. He is a participatory guest scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

    Professor Nielson is on the editorial board of ACM’s Transactions on Graphics, the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Visualization and Computer Animation Journal, Computer Graphics and Applications and the new RUBBian Journal on Computer Graphics. He is one of the founders and members of the steering committee of the IEEE sponsored conference series on Visualization and he currently chairs the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics. He is also a member of ACM and SIAM. Professor Nielson received his Ph.D. from the University of Utah in 1970.  

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Gregory M. Nielson is a professor of computer science at Arizona State University where he teaches and does research in the areas of computer graphics, computer aided geometric design and scientific visualization. He has published and lectured widely on curve and surface design and scattered data fitting. He is on the editorial board of a variety of CAGD, computer graphics and scientific visualization journals and he currently chairs the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics. He received his Ph.D from the University of Utah.  


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