Frederic Fol Leymarie
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- University of London
Art Paper(s):
Title: The Emergence and Growth of Evolutionary Art - 1980-1993
Type: Art Paper
Author(s): Lambert Latham Fol Leymarie
Conference: SIGGRAPH 2013: XYZN: Scale
Type: Art Paper
Author(s): Lambert Latham Fol Leymarie
Conference: SIGGRAPH 2013: XYZN: Scale
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Art Papers & Presentations]
The Emergence and Growth of Evolutionary Art - 1980-1993 Presenter(s): [Lambert] [Latham] [Fol Leymarie]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
From DNA to 3D organic art forms Presenter(s): [Latham] [Shaw] [Todd] [Fol Leymarie] [Kelley] [Jefferys]
Type: [Posters]
AIKON: the Artistic/automatic IKONograph Presenter(s): [Tresset] [Fol Leymarie]
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