Duygu Ceylan
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Adobe Research
Learning Category: Jury Member:
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
iMapper: interaction-guided scene mapping from monocular videos Presenter(s): [Monszpart] [Guerrero] [Ceylan] [Yumer] [Mitra]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Learning Local Shape Descriptors from Part Correspondences with Multiview Convolutional Networks Presenter(s): [Huang] [Kalogerakis] [Chaudhuri] [Ceylan] [Kim]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Perception-driven semi-structured boundary vectorization Presenter(s): [Hoshyari] [Dominici] [Sheffer] [Carr] [Wang] [Ceylan] [Shen]
Entry No.: [118]
Learning Category: Moderator:
Type: [Technical Papers]
Functionality-aware retargeting of mechanisms to 3D shapes Presenter(s): [Zhang]
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