“iMapper: interaction-guided scene mapping from monocular videos” by Monszpart, Guerrero, Ceylan, Yumer and Mitra

  • ©Aron Monszpart, Paul Guerrero, Duygu Ceylan, Ersin Yumer, and Niloy J. Mitra




    iMapper: interaction-guided scene mapping from monocular videos

Session/Category Title:   Off the Deep End



    Next generation smart and augmented reality systems demand a computational understanding of monocular footage that captures humans in physical spaces to reveal plausible object arrangements and human-object interactions. Despite recent advances, both in scene layout and human motion analysis, the above setting remains challenging to analyze due to regular occlusions that occur between objects and human motions. We observe that the interaction between object arrangements and human actions is often strongly correlated, and hence can be used to help recover from these occlusions. We present iMapper, a data-driven method to identify such human-object interactions and utilize them to infer layouts of occluded objects. Starting from a monocular video with detected 2D human joint positions that are potentially noisy and occluded, we first introduce the notion of interaction-saliency as space-time snapshots where informative human-object interactions happen. Then, we propose a global optimization to retrieve and fit interactions from a database to the detected salient interactions in order to best explain the input video. We extensively evaluate the approach, both quantitatively against manually annotated ground truth and through a user study, and demonstrate that iMapper produces plausible scene layouts for scenes with medium to heavy occlusion. Code and data are available on the project page.


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