Dave Shreiner

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • ARM Inc., Unity Technologies, Sonoma State University, Adjunct Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc
  • SGI
  • Unity Technologies


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Dave is a member of the OpenGL development team at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. He has over 10 years of experience with visual simulation and scientific visualization, including 8 years at Silicon Graphics. He has presented several lectures and courses on OpenGL at various conferences, including SIGGRAPH. He is co-author of the OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley,3rd edition, 1999). Dave has a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Delaware, and is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Santa Clara University.  

    SIGGRAPH 1998

    Dave is a member of the OpenGL development team at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. He has 10 years of experience with visual simulation and scientific visualization including 7 years at Silicon Graphics. He was the original author of Introductory OpenGL Programming for Silicon Graphics Technical Education department. Dave has a Bachelors of Mathematics from University of Delaware and has done graduate work at the Johns Hopkins University.  


Conference Chair:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Course Organizer:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Jury Member:


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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