“An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Shreiner and Shreiner

  • ©Vicki Shreiner and Dave Shreiner



Entry Number: 08


    An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

Course Organizer(s):



    Attendees should be able to read simple programs written in the C language. No previous experience with writing graphics programs is required. The course includes some basic concepts from linear algebra (vector notation and matrix multiplication), but previous knowledge of these subjects is not required.

    Intended Audience
    Everyone interested in learning how to create applications with OpenGL. Attendees will learn enough to write interactive OpenGL applications with moving, lit, and textured 3D objects.

    This course provides the knowledge that a novice OpenGL programmer needs to author interactive, 3D graphics applications using OpenGL. It covers fundamental topics such as modeling, lighting, depth buffering, and texture mapping, and introduces advanced topics such as using vertex and fragment programs.


Overview Page: