Brit Bunkley

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Quay School of the Arts


  • Wanganui, New Zealand



  • Brit Bunkley is the head of sculpture and a lecturer in digital media at the Quay School of the Arts, Wanganui UCOL in Wanganui, New Zealand. He immigrated to New Zealand from New York City with his family in 1995. Bunkley’s previous 16 years in New York as a working sculptor and photographer included building numerous commissions while also receiving several grants and fellowships such as the National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship and the Rome Prize Fellowship.

    Bunkley originally used computers as a design tool for public sculpture. His use of digital media soon evolved beyond creating designs for actual projects to creating virtual environments, sculptures, and installations that were made physical as large prints, videos, and rapid prototypes. Since moving to New Zealand, he has participated in numerous group exhibitions and has had three solo shows in public galleries including the recent 3D Work: Signs (and ‘Other Similar Entities’) at Te Tuhi – The Mark (formerly the Fisher Gallery) in Auckland in 2001.

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