Barton Gawboy

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  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Barton Gawboy is Head of Technology for Anohana Production Management & Technologies. He integrates computer graphics technologies into practical production methodology by leveraging experience in management, production, software and hardware. Before Anohana, Barton was Head of Software Development at Dreamworks Feature Animation. He first joined Dreamworks as a member of the Shrek production, where he did a 6 month evaluation of motion capture systems, at the same time as developing designs for motion editing and multi-resolution skinning systems. Prior to Dreamworks, he spent over 10 years with the people who originally developed the Symbolics Graphics system and evolved it into the Nichimen Graphics system. As Director of Software Development at Nichimen, and to complement his personal training in athletics, ballet and jazz dance, he led the productization of the Skeletal Animation System, and provided guidance for integrating that with a behavioral/particle system. Before computer graphics, he developed computer music software and hardware for Mattel Electronics. He received a BA and a BE from Dartmouth College combining study in engineering and music.  


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