Ariana Cano

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  • San Bernardino, California, United States of America



  • Ariana Cano is a Chicana feminist, scholar, educator, and activist. She was born in Los Angeles and raised in Rialto, California. She graduated from California State University San Bernardino with an MA in Communication Studies (2018) and was the Outstanding Graduate Student and Graduate Teaching Associate in her department. She earned the HACU Student Track Scholarship, the Chicana Caucus Student Scholarship, and was competitively selected as the student representative of the College of Arts and Letters at the 32nd Annual CSU Student Research Competition. Ariana was also awarded the Emerging Scholar Award in the Third International Conference on Communication and Media Studies and received full funding from SBVC to present at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). Ariana’s research presentations analyze how Indigenous, Latinx, and/or Chicanx self-presentations on social media sites challenge mainstream media stereotypical tropes. Her research provides the foundation for her posts on social media. She enjoys updating her Instagram account where she posts Chicana Feminist ideas as @DiálogoConsciente. Many of her artistic works (poems, posters) are inspired from her account. She continues to serve her community through her account, as a Board Member for the CSUSB Faculty/Staff Alumni Chapter, a Group Facilitator for the CPP Womxn’s Leadership Institute, and an Inland Empire Public Speaker. “Too Broke to Be Woke?”, “Somos Hijos y Hijas De La Chingada!”, “I Have a Name” and “The American Educational Prison” are some of Ariana’s works which have been submitted to and are under review by Cafe Con Libros Press in their first poetry anthology.



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