Andrew Stern

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):


Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • P.F. Magic/ Mindscape


  • San Francisco, California, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Andrew Stern is a designer, researcher, writer and engineer of personality-rich, AI-based interactive characters and stories. With Michael Mateas he developed the interactive drama Façade, a 5-year art/research project, completed in May 2005. To date Façade was a finalist in the 2004 Independent Games Festival, exhibited at ISEA 2004, and described in the recent book “Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling” as “without a doubt, the best actual working interactive storyworld yet created.” Previously, Andrew was a lead designer and software engineer at PF.Magic, developing Virtual Babyz, Dogz, and Catz, which sold over 2 million units worldwide; currently he is a researcher-developer at Zoesis. Andrew has presented and exhibited work at the Game Developers Conference, SIGGRAPH, Digital Arts and Culture, DiGRA, TIDSE, AAAI symposia, Autonomous Agents, and Intelligent User Interfaces. Awards include a Silver Invision 2000 award for Best Overall Design for CDRom, for Babyz; Catz received a Design Distinction in the first annual I.D. Magazine Interactive Media Review, and along with Dogz and Babyz was part of the American Museum of Moving Image’s Computer Space exhibit in New York. His projects have been written about in The New York Times, Time Magazine, MSNBC, Wired and AI Magazine. Andrew holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. He blogs at, a widely read forum on believable characters and interactive narrative. The Façade project page is 


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