“Underwater Bubbles and Coupling” by Stomakhin, Wretborn, Blom and Daviet

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Joel Wretborn, Kevin Blom, and Gilles Daviet

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Joel Wretborn, Kevin Blom, and Gilles Daviet

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Joel Wretborn, Kevin Blom, and Gilles Daviet

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Joel Wretborn, Kevin Blom, and Gilles Daviet

  • ©Alexey Stomakhin, Joel Wretborn, Kevin Blom, and Gilles Daviet



Entry Number: 02


    Underwater Bubbles and Coupling



    We present an approach to simulating underwater bubbles. Our method is sparse in that it only simulates a thin band of water around the region of interest allowing us to achieve high resolutions in turbulent scenarios. We use a hybrid bubble representation consisting of two parts. The hero counterpart utilizes an incompressible two-phase Navier-Stokes solve on an Eulerian grid with air phase also represented via FLIP/APIC particles to facilitate volume conservation and accurate interface tracking. The diffuse counterpart captures sub-grid bubble motion not “seen” by the Eulerian grid. We represent those as particles and develop a novel scheme for coupling them with the bulk fluid. The coupling scheme is not limited to sub-grid bubbles and may be applied to other thin/porous objects such as sand, hair, and cloth.


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    We would like to thank the Simulation and FX departments as well as the leadership of Weta Digital for their support.


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