“The Art and Technology of Hair Simulation in Disney’s Moana”

  • ©Marc Thyng, Christopher Evart, Toby Jones, and Aleka McAdams

  • ©Marc Thyng, Christopher Evart, Toby Jones, and Aleka McAdams

  • ©Marc Thyng, Christopher Evart, Toby Jones, and Aleka McAdams

  • ©Marc Thyng, Christopher Evart, Toby Jones, and Aleka McAdams

  • ©Marc Thyng, Christopher Evart, Toby Jones, and Aleka McAdams



Entry Number: 25


    The Art and Technology of Hair Simulation in Disney’s Moana



    Beginning with the early concept art, Moana featured characters with long curly hair interacting heavily with both the characters and their environment. This level of complexity in hair interactions and dynamics presented demanding simulation needs which led to changes throughout the hair simulation pipeline, from grooming to technical animation. In order to overcome these challenges we implemented a new hair model and data type, as well as overhauled how we handled hair collisions. We discuss the motivation and details of our hair simulation and technical animation process, as well as the implications of the new model both to artist interactions and our overall pipeline.


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