““Summer Breeze:” Creating a High-End 3D Movie Using Limited Resources” by Canetti, Chen, Chim, Patti, Zori, et al. …

  • ©Yaron Canetti, ShengFang Chen, Jimmy Chim, Anthony Patti, Tami Zori, Alen Lai, and Charlotte M. Griffin



Interest Area:

    Production & Animation


    “Summer Breeze:” Creating a High-End 3D Movie Using Limited Resources

Session/Category Title:   Model Capture



    The purpose of this sketch is to demonstrate some of the techniques developed during production of “Summer Breeze” (working title), a short animation that is still in production by a group of students at the School of Visual Arts MFA Computer Art Department. These solutions are distinctive in that they were developed by art students, rather than programmers, using only off-the-shelf tools, so the solutions were “artist-friendly” and did not require extensive computer science knowledge.

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