“Stitch meshing” by Wu, Gao, Ferguson, Panozzo and Yuksel

  • ©Kui Wu, Xifeng Gao, Zachary Ferguson, Daniele Panozzo, and Cem Yuksel



Entry Number: 130


    Stitch meshing

Session/Category Title:   Textiles & Microstructures




    We introduce the first fully automatic pipeline to convert arbitrary 3D shapes into knit models. Our pipeline is based on a global parametrization remeshing pipeline to produce an isotropic quad-dominant mesh aligned with a 2-RoSy field. The knitting directions over the surface are determined using a set of custom topological operations and a two-step global optimization that minimizes the number of irregularities. The resulting mesh is converted into a valid stitch mesh that represents the knit model. The yarn curves are generated from the stitch mesh and the final yarn geometry is computed using a yarn-level relaxation process. Thus, we produce topologically valid models that can be used with a yarn-level simulation. We validate our algorithm by automatically generating knit models from complex 3D shapes and processing over a hundred models with various shapes without any user input or parameter tuning. We also demonstrate applications of our approach for custom knit model generation using fabrication via 3D printing.


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